Compare Tab Winning vs Losing Trades
Tradervue provides a powerful tool for directly comparing your winning trades with losing trades. This comparison offers valuable insights into your trading performance and helps refine your strategies. Additionally, Tradervue offers several features for in-depth analysis, including:
- Quick Reports: Generate reports comparing various trade types, such as winning vs losing trades, long vs short trades, intraday vs multiday trades, last year vs this year, and last month vs this month.
- Custom Reports: Build customized reports to compare two groups with multiple options, including tags, side, duration, P&L type, date range, symbol, and more.
- Statistics Visualization: View your statistics by P&L type (gross or net) and by view mode, such as $, risk, or ticks.
- Report Types: Reports with aggregate P&L or pre-trade average P&L.
Accessing the Report
The Winning vs Losing Trades Report and other comparison tools can be accessed through:
- Reports Section → Compare tab.

Hour-of-Day Summary Example
Consider a specific example based on a month of intraday trades. In the Hour-of-Day Summary view, available on the "Detailed" tab of the Reports section, you can observe trading performance by the time of day.
For example, during the 3:00 pm hour, there may be a significant number of trades, but the average per-trade P&L hovers around zero. This prompts questions—are the stops too tight or is there another issue?
Breaking it Down: Winning vs Losing Trades
To gain deeper insights, Tradervue allows you to break down the hour-of-day data into winning and losing trades. The Winning vs Losing Trades report offers detailed analysis:
- Winning trades are represented in blue.
- Losing trades are represented in yellow.
By examining this data, you can see that while two-thirds of the trades during this period are winning, the average loss on losing trades is nearly double the average gain on winning trades. This highlights a significant issue: managing losses effectively may be more crucial than increasing the number of winning trades.
Gaining Actionable Insights
This comparison helps traders understand why certain periods or strategies may not be profitable. With this data, you can adjust your stop-loss strategies, risk management, or trading approach to achieve better results.
Additional Features: Graphical Analysis
Tradervue also provides graphical charts to offer a more visual representation of the data you've selected. By scrolling down, you can access the chart menu, which includes visualizations based on:
These charts compare the information between the two preselected groups, providing additional insights and enhancing your understanding of the data.
Utilize these reports and charts to compare your trade performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed adjustments to your trading strategies.
Need Help?
If you have questions or encounter issues importing data, please reach out to or use the "Contact Us" link below.