Day Type Report

The Day Type Report in Tradervue provides insights into your trading performance based on the type of market movement for that day. This report categorizes trading days into different types, each with specific characteristics. Here are the definitions used by Tradervue for the various day types:

  • Inside Range Day: All trading occurs within the price range established on the previous day.
  • Trend Up Day: The market closes above yesterday’s high, opens in the bottom 15% of the day's range, and closes in the top 15% of the day's range.
  • Trend Down Day: The market exhibits the opposite characteristics of a Trend Up Day, closing below yesterday’s low and opening in the top 15% of the day’s range while closing in the bottom 15% of the day’s range.
  • Outside Range Day: The market trades at least partially outside the previous day’s range but does not qualify as a Trend Day.

This report helps you understand how different types of market days impact your trading performance. By analyzing these day types, you can identify patterns and adjust your strategies to align with market conditions.

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