Consecutive Wins and Losses

Tradervue’s detailed reports now include a useful feature that displays the maximum number of consecutive wins and losses. This addition provides deeper insights into streaks in your trading performance.

Accessing Consecutive Wins/Losses Statistics

To view the statistics on consecutive wins and losses:

  1. Log in to your Tradervue account.
  2. Navigate to the "Reports View" section.
  3. Click on the "Detailed" tab.
  4. At the top of the page, locate the statistics table that shows the maximum number of consecutive wins and losses.

Interactive Features

  • Show Link: Each side of the statistics table includes a “show” link. Clicking this link will display the specific sequence of trades that constitutes the consecutive win or loss streak.
  • Global Filter: When you click on the “show” link, the global filter is automatically adjusted to display only those trades in the sequence. This allows you to browse through other reports and see data exclusively for the trades within that particular streak.

For example, if you encounter a losing streak of 20 trades, clicking the “show” link will reveal only those 20 trades. You can then explore other detailed reports, such as the liquidity group, to investigate whether there are any common factors affecting those losing trades.

Additional Notes

  • The consecutive wins and losses data are reflective of the trades selected via the global filter bar. If you apply a filter for trades on SPY, for instance, the consecutive wins and losses will pertain only to those SPY trades.

This feature is available for all users and provides valuable insights into the patterns and performance of your trading strategies. Explore it to gain a better understanding of your trading streaks!

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